RP Female Founder Series: Leslie Danford, Vitaminis Founder

1. Was there an “ah ha” moment when you launched Vitaminis?

Gut Health was actually the first idea I had for Vitaminis. One of my kids was terribly

constipated, and the pediatrician recommended laxatives. I couldn’t find any natural remedy that

was food or beverage based, other than prunes, that didn’t involve pills, chemicals, or tons of

sugar. That’s when I realized there was a hole in the market. This was in 2020, so of course I

had to start with Immune Support first! I launched Gut Health in late 2022.

2. What is your favorite thing about the invention of Vitaminis?

I absolutely love hearing positive feedback from customers. Just today I got a quick email from

the area manager of a CorePower Yoga studio where our products are carried that said they sold

out of Immune Support because students love them, and it made my day. Someone saying in an

Amazon review that Gut Health helped their bloating and discomfort, or even a shopper saying

that Vitaminis taste great. These little things make my day!

3. Are there any new flavors you have been dreaming of adding into the Vitaminis mix? 

I’ve been working on and dreaming about Daily Greens for over a year, so that’s likely next up.

It will be a tasty green shot loaded with vitamins from green fruits and veggies. Someday I

would like to launch a Vision Support shot with Lutein, DHA and Vitamin A where all proceeds

go to support the Foundation Fighting Blindness. My daughter has a condition that includes

deteriorating vision, so that is a cause close to my heart.

4. What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a business owner? How did / do you handle

these challenges?

It sounds so cliché, but truly, believing in yourself and your ideas and powering through is the

hardest thing. In the early days there is so little external validation, and so many reasons to give

up. And if I’m being honest, some days I want to quit but don’t quit because there really isn’t an

easy way out. Ha! In all seriousness, if I can step back, pivot slightly, or chip away at whatever

that huge barrier was, something breaks through and things start to look positive again.

5. What’s something your most proud of since starting Vitaminis?

I’m super proud of getting a shot at full chain distribution with Fresh Thyme. In early 2022 I

applied for full chain distribution through corporate and was turned down. I decided it wouldn’t

hurt to try the manager in my local store, who got to know me after a few visits and believed in

Vitaminis potential. He gave me a great placement right near checkout, and with me in the store

sampling, it started doing well. He recommended the product to his local peers, the product did

well there too, and next thing I know, corporate called me to offer me full chain distribution. It

turned out our performance was so strong, it popped on a report pulled by the category manager

who had turned me down a few months earlier!

6. What advice were you given when you first started your business that has stuck with you? What

advice would you give to other female business owners just starting out?

Never give up! I originally thought this advice was cliché and meaningless. After all, if your

idea isn’t good, shouldn’t you give up on it? But now I realize that persistence uncovers new

opportunities, new sources of financing, pivots that improve performance or any other number of

“lucky” breaks that are needed for a business to get off the ground. No one – and I mean NO one

– launches their final concept from day 1. Never giving up in the face of setbacks is the only

way to get from day 1 to a successful outcome.

7. How do you handle your work/life balance?

I carve out a little bit of me-time every day. Whether that’s an extra-long hot bath, a workout I

love or just preparing myself an elaborate snack, I try make sure to invest even just a few

minutes in things that recharge me (or longer if I have the time!), without guilt-tripping myself

about it. I find this leaves me feeling good even if I’m still working hard. I also try to

compartmentalize as much as I can, so that I’m not trying to work when spending time with my

family, and not interrupted by family obligations when I’m trying to work. Anytime I try to do

both at once, everyone involved ends up feeling frustrated and short changed.


1. Do you prefer staying in or going out?

Staying in.

2. What’s your guilty pleasure snack?

Saltines with butter.

3. Early bird or night owl?

Early bird.

4. What superpower would you choose for yourself?

Never tired.

5. If you weren’t in this line of work, what career would you want to pursue?

Something out in nature, like a traveling biologist.

6. Ideal vacation - Mountains or Beach?


7. What was your last impulse purchase?


8. Favorite business tool/tech/app?

Google Drive, ToDoist

9. Name another female founder we should know. 

Shibani Baluja of lil gourmets, Emily Groden of Evergreen


RP Female Founder Series: Nicole Reilly, Dear Hayden Founder


The Power of Collaboration: How to Leverage Partnerships for Growth